Tornay Andris honlapja

Some Tour Memories

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Nehány emlékem a Continental turnékról

Give 'Em Hope 1998,  Eger, Hungary

1998 Magyar Nyári Turné

Dreamer Musical 1994 Hungary

Timó a "börtönben"

Now I Am Free 1995 Viki

Szabad Vagyok

Everything can be changed 1997 Tour

A fantasztikus Szinházi Csoport 1997 nyarán

Continental Memories
Continental Memories

Some of my most memorable moments while I was touring with the Continentals.

Néhány felejthetetlen emlék a Continental turnékról. 1990-2000

A Psalm to the God of Creativity
Sing, all people, to the God who gave us the song.
Write poems of praise to He who gave the world words.
Dance for joy, for God gave us our legs.
Let your paintings portray the prowess of
He who gave us colors.
In your plays, remark the praise-worthy character
of the God who is our Maker.
To the God of creativity, let us testify
to his beautiful artistic creations in all our own artistry.

(Jake Detels)

Turnéim a Continental Singers csoportokkal:
My tours with the Continentals:
(Magyar csoportok, Nemzetközi csoportok)

1990 Hordozd a fényt!
1991 Szabadság vár
1992 Igen a válaszunk!
1993 Állj fel és mozdulj!
1993 Stand Up Move Out European Fall Tour
1993 Téli turné
1994 Dreamer Musical
1995 Örvendezz az Úr előtt!
1995 Téli turné 2.
1996 A harcvonalban
1996 Faith In Motion European Fall Tour
1997 Színház Megváltozhat Minden
1997 Reachin Out USA Tour H - Canada, Holland
1998 Van remény!
1999 Mission Of Love European Tour
2000 Testify 2 Truth USA Tour A - Australia
2001 European Fall Tour - Greece
2003 XP 3 Tour USA Tour S - Thailand
2003 XP 3 Tour USA Tour E - Estes Park
2003 XP 3 Tour USA Tour N - Nairobi, Kenya
2005 Italian Continentals


Albania, Australia, Austria, Canada, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine, USA, Vanuatu,
Thailand, Kenya

Thanks for those who believed in me and stood beside me:
Köszönet azoknak akik hittek bennem és segítették munkám:

Julia Hamilton, Cam Floria, Leen and Ria La Riviére, Jim Schmidt, Jeff and Kate White, Mike and Melodie Balsbaugh, Angie Burns, Rob Bruin, Miriam de Geest, Hugo and Danielle Schaap, Josh Puthoff, Rosa Battista, Jayne Okruhlik, Andreas Bleiker, Alessia Ciucchi, Nathan Mahy

Almási Kornél, Bacia Veronika, Balás Péter, Balogh Róbert, Baranyi Krisztina, Barva László, Batta Katalin, Benyák Zoltán, Bujtás András, Fazekas Vica, Frankó Tibor, Horváth László, Kálmán Sándor, Kerekes Monika, Király Norbert, Koncz Gábor, Kovács Katalin, Lénárt Ágnes, Lukács Éva, Madarász István, Madarász Judit, Maros Zsuzsanna, Méri Judit, Nagy Andrea, Nagy Ildikó, Ónodi László, Pap Gergely, Papp Bernadett, Pataky Márta, Perei Timótheus, Rezsnyák Róbert, Schósz Éva, Sigrai László, Szentesi Zoltán, Tornay Gábor, Várady Viktória, Zimonyi Géza

I can't tell you with just word how much I miss all you. But even as I think of you all now, tears come to my eyes. Saying goodbye to you was one of the hardest days I've ever had. I think with you, was one of the few times I've felt "at home". Strange that you would feel at home being at a different place each day, but you guys were, and are, family whom I deeply cared for. It's sad that many of you I may never see again, but I know one day we will have a big reunion in the age to come. (Jake Detels)

These pictures were taken on different Hungarian Continental tours. (1994-1998)